We offer a unique opportunity for Australian-based large, medium-sized and small services providers alike to undertake joint business research and to amplify their voice by jointly inputting services industry perspectives and policy positions to the Australian Federal and State Governments as well as to the governments of our key trading partners in collaboration with other members of the Global Services Coalition and the Asia Pacific Services Coalition.
Australian Services Roundtable membership is open to all companies and other organisations across the entire services sector, for example
- Financial services
- Telecommunications services
- Professional services(Engineering, Architecture, Law, Medicine, Accountancy, Consultancy etc)
- Business Services
- Health services
- Education services
- Environmental services
- Energy services
- Transport and Logistics
- Tourism
- Information Technology
- Standards & conformanceassessment
- Audio-visualservices
- Mediaand entertainment services
- Creative and cultural services
- R&D services
Annual subscription fees for Members is based on the nature and size of the business or business association. All Members have full voting rights and other entitlements. All Members have automatic membership, through ASR, of the Global Services Coalition and the Asia Pacific Services Coalition.
To discuss any aspect of membership including reciprocal agreements and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Jane Drake-Brockman on (+61) 0497679917
Benefits of Membership
Services Leaders
- No matter how high your individual corporate profile, ASR delivers enhanced recognition by governmentof your services sector standing including your willingness to collaborate with other services organisations of all sizes and in all services sectors.
- ASR delivers a broad corporate umbrella for evidence-based policy credibility.
- ASR is unique in its focus on the services trade agenda; on the WTO, on APEC, on FTAs, on export promotion.
- ASR is unique in its expert advocacy onthe key enablers of services competitiveness; access to talent, access to data and the speed of access to both.
- ASR specialises in small high-level policy-oriented access and networking domestically and internationally
- ASR delivers strong corporate brand visibility with both industry and government for all event and activity sponsors
Medium-sized services providers
- ASR delivers a genuine opportunity to engage actively with government at minimum corporate effort and to get your perspectives visibly and effectively across.
- ASR puts your business clearly on the trade policy radar, delivering close and trusted “stakeholder” access to government consultation
- ASR is a unique all-of-services sector networkoffering strong informal B2B intelligence sharing and networking.
SMEs and individuals
- Access, engagement and insight into policy advocacy with government.
- Whole-of-services sector business networking opportunities.
- Business intelligence, digital transformation services, international linkages.
Industry & Professional Associations
- ASR is a forum for formulation and initiation of activity on cross-sectoral priorities.
- ASRadds value with expert briefings and advice across key policy issues which not all industry associations can or need to follow themselves in detail.
- ASRrepresents members’ views by drafting position papers that are circulated to interested members for comment and approved by the Board.
- ASR advocacy has garnered business support for key government initiatives such as: the appointment for Australia’s first Minister for Services, the Hon Craig Emerson MP; significantly higher profile for services in the trade agenda; efforts to build Australia as a Financial Services Centre; Ministerial Statement on Services Innovation; Innovation Councils for the Built Environment and Information Technology industriesand Australian participation in the APEC Cross-Border Privacy Rules.
- ASR research and advocacy was a critical ingredient in the launch of the plurilateral negotiations towards a Trade in Services Agreement (a global ASR initiative) and the launch of the APEC Services Competitiveness Roadmap,
Government Agencies
- ASRs focus is on competitiveness in commercial services: to this end, ASR welcomes government involvement in researching best practice across all services activities.
- Efficiency and innovation inthe provision of government services impacts on the business environment and ASR consequently engages with government on structural and other reforms in all government services provision.
- ASR welcomes government agencies as members of ASRwhere those government agencies are major services innovators, investors or exporters in their own right.
- Government members and partners can maximise policy and program outcomes by contributing to activities that encourage industry initiative and innovation.