In late 2020 ASR participated in two groundbreaking virtual summits on Digital Services Taxation. The US-based Coalition of Services Industries hosted a three-day forum, during which ASR Director Jane Drake-Brockman hosted a panel with two experts: Patrick Low, Fellow at the Asia Global Institute, and Hosuk Lee-Makiyama, Director at the European Centre for International Political Economy.
Mr Low presented again at a separate virtual summit hosted by ASR member The Institute for International Trade at the University of Adelaide, alongside Nigel Cory, Associate Director at the Information and Technology Innovation Foundation. Several ASR Directors and members were in attendance, alongside senior personnel from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Documents and presentations from these summits are now available to download, via the links below.
1. Patrick Low’s working paper Digital Services Taxes, Trade and Development. An opinion article by Mr Low explaining his findings can also be accessed on the IIT website.
2. A summary of the panel proceedings from the CSI summit, including a detailed account of Jane Drake-Brockman’s panel.
3. Nigel Cory’s presentation entitled Digital Trade: The prospects for new trade governance amidst emerging protectionist digital industrial policies and national security concerns can be viewed below in the embedded YouTube link or by clicking here.
4. The Powerpoint to accompany Mr Cory’s presentation may be downloaded here, or viewed in the frame below.