The Australian Services Roundtable has joined a coalition led by global tech trade coalition ITI to raise concerns about cross-border data flows in and out of the European Union. The letter concerns the European Data Protection Board’s draft recommendations in the wake of the so-called “Schrems II” case (C311/18) which invalidated the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield agreement as a mechanism to transfer data between the EU and the U.S.
ASR is a consistent advocate for free data flows and supports the position advocated in the letter:
The draft recommendations are overly prescriptive and could pose serious obstacles to transfers of personal data outside the EU. Our associations recommend instead that the EDPB Recommendations provide an opportunity to equip companies with a practical “toolbox” of measures that would help them comply with the parameters set by the Court without going beyond them, and align with the GDPR’s risk-based approach while allowing for practical ways to allow data transfers in a way that is compliant with EU law.
The letter may be downloaded in full here. ITI has also posted the letter, plus their own recommendations, on their website.